About the Website
The website of the National Prosecution Authority, prosecutors.fi, is a website maintained by the National Prosecution Authority. On the website, you can find information on the processing of a criminal matter and the prosecutor's role therein, general information on the National Prosecution Authority, its operations and duties, and information on decisions on complaints. The new website of the National Prosecution Authority was opened on 1 October 2019.
Communication maintains the website and is responsible for it. The aim is to ensure the correctness and topicality of the content of the website.
Finnish and Swedish pages are the most extensive ones. The pages also provide the most important information in English.
Web browsers and terminal devices
The website uses responsive design and the content adapts to the device being used. The pages are best viewed with the latest browser versions. The website can also be viewed with earlier browser versions but then you might not be able to make full use of all the service features available.
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To read pdf-files, you need the Adobe Reader program or some other similar program, which you can download free of charge.
Materials you can subscribe to
On the website, you can subscribe to RSS feeds of press releases, descriptions of decisions and Akkusastoori articles. You can also request to have the press releases and descriptions of decisions sent to your e-mail address.
Unless otherwise stated, the texts, images and other material published on this website is copyright of the National Prosecution Authority, if something else has not been acknowledged.
You are free to use and link to the contents on this website, as long as you acknowledge the source. The use of the contents for other purposes requires prior agreement with the communication of the National Prosecution Authority.
The website contains general information on the activities of The National Prosecution Authority. Special cases and exceptions have been omitted. You will not necessarily be able to pursue a legal matter.
The National Prosecution Authority is not responsible for any deficiencies in the content.
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More about cookies: Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority
You can send feedback on the website by e-mail to the Communications (viestinta.syyttaja(at)oikeus.fi). You can also use our feedback form to send us your comments.
In official matters, please contact the registry of the National Prosecution Authority. E-mail addresses can be found on the website of Contact information.
Additional information
For further information about the website, please contact Communication, e-mail viestinta.syyttaja(at)oikeus.fi.
Navigaatio - Ei saa poistaa
- Frontpage
- Processing of a criminal matter
- The National Prosecution Authority
- Come work for us
- News
- Contact information