The National Prosecution Authority is a high-level expert organisation that supports the expertise of its personnel with wide-ranging and diverse training. The training of prosecutors and secretaries supports their expertise and reinforces the entire authority's preparedness to operate in a changing world.
The training is planned in co-operation with the prosecutors, ministries, universities, the police and other stakeholders. There are around 100 training days each year. Expertise is also developed in online learning environments and webinars and by utilising study materials and lecture recordings.
The training, tailored for current and future needs for expertise, takes place during working hours and is paid for by the employer.
The development of the expertise of prosecutors and secretaries is planned with the supervisor
At the National Prosecution Authority, the development of the employees' expertise is planned together with their supervisors. The supervisor guides and supports the development of expertise with a suitable distribution of work and other duties.
New prosecutors are recruited to the junior prosecutor's temporary office for a period of nine months, during which the prosecutor completes the Prosecutor's Start training programme, after which the junior prosecutor may apply to the office of District Prosecutor.
The Prosecutor's Start is a comprehensive introductory programme to the work of a prosecutor. The personal tutor assigned for the junior prosecutor and his or her supervisor are responsible for its implementation.
After the Start, the focus moves on basic competence in the work and increasing the professional skills (e.g. the In the Heart of Prosecution Work training programme). Next come the studies of a multicompetent prosecutor, reinforcing competence in different areas.
Later, a multicompetent prosecutor can specialise in various duties both in Finland and abroad.
New secretaries begin building their competence with the Secretary's Start training programme that is an introduction to the duties and operations of the National Prosecution Authority, and the work of a secretary. Secretaries may also specialise – for example in the duties of a digital coach.
After the Start, the development of the prosecutor's and the secretary's competence is planned according to the work duties and the competence needs they require. The development of the competence of experts in HR and financial administration as well as communications and training is supported with training provided by outside organisations.
Prosecutor's specialisation
A prosecutor can specialise as a District Prosecutor in certain types of crime (specialised district prosecutor), specialised prosecutor or in supervisory duties. A specialised prosecutor has strong expertise in one or more types of crime and several years of experience in handling criminal matters in his or her area of specialisation. A supervisor has strong and expansive experience in the work of a prosecutor as well as the skills and desire to be a supervisor. Both lines of specialisation are supported with training.
For more details, see Prosecutor as a profession
International duties
The work of a prosecutor often involves international duties. A prosecutor often works with the authorities of different countries, so international expertise is something every prosecutor should have.
For more details: koulutus.syyttaja(at)oikeus.fi
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