Criminal matters involving the police
A suspected offence committed by the police
When a suspected or alleged criminal offence is committed by someone in the police, the investigating officer in the pre-trial investigation is, exceptionally, the prosecutor - not the pre-trial investigation authority, as in other criminal cases.
If the suspected offence relates to events connected with the police's official duties, the prosecutor is always the chief investigator. The prosecutor may also conduct a pre-trial investigation if there is a suspect in addition to a police officer, if this is appropriate for the purpose of the investigation. If an offence suspected to have been committed by the police was committed outside official duties, the prosecutor may, at his or her discretion, have the pre-trial investigation authority conduct the pre-trial investigation. The arrangements for the investigation of police offences are laid down in chapter 2, section 4 of the Criminal Investigation Act.
Investigations of police misconduct are carried out by investigators assigned to the National Bureau of Investigation’s Police Misconduct Unit, under the direction of the prosecution's chief investigators.
Police Crimes Unit
Since 1 October 2024, the pre-trial investigation and prosecution of police offences have been centralised at the Police Crimes Unit established in the Office of the Prosecutor General. Around 900–1,000 criminal complaints against police officers are made each year, all of which are dealt with by the Police Crimes Unit. The unit's prosecutors usually also handle the prosecution and, if necessary, prosecute cases in the different courts where pre-trial investigations have been initiated.
The Police Crimes Unit is headed by a state prosecutor, two special prosecutors, four district prosecutors and two departmental secretaries.
Pre-trial investigation threshold
The pre-trial investigation authority shall conduct an investigation when, on the basis of a report made to it or otherwise, there is reason to suspect that an offence has been committed (chapter 3, section 3, subsection 1 of the Criminal Investigation Act). Before a pre-trial investigation is initiated, a preliminary inquiry may be carried out to determine whether a pre-trial investigation should be initiated. The pre-trial investigation authority shall if necessary clarify the circumstances connected with the suspected offence, in particular so that no one is unjustifiably deemed a suspect in the offence and so that, when the matter requires it, a decision on the waiving of the pre-trial investigation can be made (chapter 3, section 3, subsection 2 of the Criminal Investigation Act).
Initiating an investigation in a use-of-force situation
If someone has been killed or seriously injured as a result of the use of force by the police in a situation where the conditions for the use of force existed per se, it is important for the public interest and the legal protection of those involved that the appropriateness of the use of this force is thoroughly investigated. In such cases, the police contact the Chief Investigator of the Police Misconduct Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General or, outside office hours, the prosecution’s Deputy Chief Investigator. In these cases, it is always assessed whether a pre-trial investigation should be carried out.
Annual reports on police misconduct investigations
Available in Finnish only.
Assigned to the field means that the matter was transferred to the district prosecutor in charge of the investigation.
In year 2023 the processing time was 93 days.
Inquiries about decisions made by the Police Misconduct Unit
For specific decisions on investigation decisions on criminal matters involving the police, please contact the Team directly at tutkinta.valtakunnansyyttaja.syyttaja(at) Please submit a request for information if you require more extensive material.
Requests for information can be emailed to the Office of the Prosecutor General at valtakunnansyyttaja.syyttaja(at) If the retrieval of information is time consuming, a charge may be made for sending the material. (Decree of the Ministry of Justice) The price will be indicated in the reply to the request.
Other material relating to a criminal matter involving the police may be ordered from the police department that conducted the investigation, as this material is not achieved by the National Prosecution Authority.
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